
Find Your Niche at Kennedy Mountain 校园





新闻  •

The University of Denver’s Kennedy Mountain 校园 helps students experience Colorado’s outdoors. It’s also helping students who are interested 在户外行业工作,通过提供几个认证和一学分的课程来提高他们的领导资格.

“学生们来杜和科罗拉多的一个重要原因是户外活动,内森·佩奇说, 甘乃迪山校区(KMC)户外体验和项目助理主任. 虽然这些课程——包括野生动物急救、第一响应者和不留痕迹意识——是收费的,但通常是象征性的. 与通过私人机构学习相同课程的费用相比,那些需要更高费用的课程以大幅折扣提供给学生.

An important part of KMC is the Outdoor Leadership Lab (OLL), which trains students to lead in the outdoors 和 in life. OLL课程将DU校园的课堂时间与KMC的户外技能学习相结合.

OLL毕业生 能被雇佣吗 户外同伴导师, who help guide DU students on outdoor activities at KMC. The peer mentor program, which is run by The Outdoor Experience, recently hired its first three students 和 will be hiring more.

20岁的泰·霍格兰(Ty Hoagl和)来自明尼苏达州普利茅斯,主修国际商务., graduated from OLL last spring 和 is one of the three hires.

“刚开始的时候,我真的不知道会发生什么,”他谈到OLL时说,“但我非常喜欢它. I really learned a lot, 如何帮助他人体验户外活动,如何在这种环境中成为领导者. 能和一群我越来越尊敬的人一起度过一段时光,感觉很好,” referring to his instructors, 佩奇和马特·詹森, director of The Outdoor Experience 和 Programs at KMC.

户外领导力实验室与杜伊大学4D学生体验的健康和性格组成部分保持一致. 佩奇说:“我们研究领导者的情商和情境领导力. Leadership development is not one size fits all, he adds. “我们寻找一种能与他们的背景和个性产生共鸣的风格, 是什么让他们在文化或身份的其他方面与众不同,他说.

Wilderness First Responder

另一位雇员苔丝•卡森(Tess 卡森)表示,她在获得这份工作后学会了领导技能 Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certification last spring. That class, along with Wilderness First 援助, are offered at KMC. Page recommends Wilderness First 援助, also a certificate class, 对于任何参加户外活动的人来说,这将使他们远离传统的紧急服务-越野跑者, 登山者, 山地自行车, 和 backcountry users like skiers, snowshoers or backpackers.

卡森, a 20-year-old sophomore from Park City, 犹他州, 整个夏天,她在犹他州的韦伯河担任木筏向导,运用了自己的技能, as well as leading backpacking trips. 佩奇说,WFR认证通常是任何领导过夜或多日旅行的人的要求. 她说:“这让我做好了教育和领导河上人们的准备。.

主修地理信息科学的卡森选修这门课有着不同的动机. “在我的个人生活中, I end up in the backcountry a lot, 和 I wanted to be prepared for things that could happen,她说。. 课程内容包括医疗问题诊断和重伤护理, like severed limbs 和 traumatic brain injury. She wants to be prepared to help those with her, if needed.

Hoagl和 had a similar motivation. “现在, when I go into the backcountry, 我可以成为和我在一起的人中的一员,帮助他们做出安全的决定.他喜欢这门课强调乐趣,而不是一个人在某项技能上有多好. “The outdoors is part of my life, 我强烈认为每个人都应该能够享受户外活动.”


霍格兰和卡森来到杜克大学时,都有一定的户外攀岩经验, 徒步旅行, backpacking 和 rafting. 然而, whether someone is a beginner or more advanced, 佩奇表示,这些认证为所有学生提供了宝贵的经验. 他说:“有经验丰富的人是件好事。. “课堂上的体验越多,就越有趣.”


“I think in college we can get stuck in a rut,” 卡森 says. “走出去体验这样的新事物可能有点困难, 和 I think if more kids did, they would really enjoy it. You meet so many kids who are interested in things like you, 和 you’re bonding in the outdoors, 这很好.”

Who should take these courses?

Wilderness First 援助 (certified) – Any outdoor enthusiast. This is where you start; it’s a prerequisite for any outdoor leader. 大多数土地代理机构要求工作人员在他们的公共土地上进行指导. 

Wilderness First Responder (certified) – Much more advanced than first aid, anyone can take it. 这是户外专业人员医疗培训的标准水平. 通常需要工作多天/过夜的人.

Outdoor Leadership Lab (1) -专为初学者寻找开始户外旅行或更有经验的人谁想扩大他们的促进技能. 如果你想在户外工作,一个人负责一个更大的团队, 这是给你的.

Leave No Trace Awareness Course (content changes with the season) 任何有兴趣进一步了解户外道德的人.

Trainer Course (1) -这是为更有经验的野外用户谁想要分享他/她的户外道德的理解.

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